Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Week At Grandma's

Mom and Dad went away so I stayed at Grandma's.  It wasn't so bad.  I hung out with my cousin Aloysuis who also likes to destroy rooms, so it was pretty fun.  

Unfortunately, Lance was pretty homesick.
But I talked him through it, as any big sister naturally would.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Rabbits and Horses and Cats....Oh My!

Today I chased rabbits and talked to horses.

But nothing beats coming home and cuddling with the cat.
Life is good.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day....a.k.a. My Birthdaaaay

I'd like to know how many of you actually received a Valentine's Day card this year.  I ask simply because.....I DID!  HA!   I guess it's just one of the perks of having an Aunt Dory.

But in all seriousness, I do have a right to brag because it was also my 3rd birthday.  This made me twice as important.  Lance and I took full advantage and celebrated while the parents were at work.   Although we may have overdone it a bit this year.....