Week 1 and I'm already procrastinating. Think I'll read this magazine first, and then start writing.
Hello. My name is Tess. I am an 8-month old chocolate Labrador Retriever and I just so happen to be one of the cutest, friendliest dogs you’ll ever meet. It’s true; just ask my Mom and Dad.
I have decided to start this blog as a way to pass the time while Mom and Dad are at work. You see, my parents think that when they leave me in the mornings, I just sit on the bed all day waiting for them to come home. But this is not true. I do many things. For example, I watch TV, look at the birds from the porch, and I sniff things. And now…..I write.
That’s right. I, Tess the chocolate lab, am breaking into the world of online blogging and I hope you will become a follower by clicking on “Follow” button on my home page.
If you do, I promise to provide you with lots of entertaining stories about my life, where I come from and where I am heading. I also plan to post many great pictures of my beautiful self. But most importantly, I hope to give you an honest account of life as a loveable dog – you will read the good, the bad, and the adorable.
At the end of the day, this blog is simply me…making my paw print in this world.