Thursday, September 8, 2011

Dog Days of Summer

With all this rain, I get the distinct feeling that summer is coming to an end. And in case you are wondering, I had a fantastic summer.

This summer I got to hang out with my best dog Aegis. People say we could be brother and sister, which is a compliment because Aegis is named after a triathlon bike. That and he is incredibly handsome.

I also played one of my favorite games called
"Hey Marley, play with me! Come on Marley! Play!"

With so many great memories, I can't help but put in one last plea to Aegis and Marley.....Don't Go!!!!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today marks the 1 year anniversary of when
my parents brought me home.

To celebrate, I escaped after my morning walk and let mama
chase me around for a half an hour.

Sorry mama, but a little "time out" isn't going to ruin my day!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

My First Report Card!

Guess who's first in her class at
Manayunk Poocher Scoochers?!

I suppose I should research collegiate dog walking programs.

I'm thinking Harvard...or maybe Princeton.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Did I mention that I'm a triathlete?

I swim. I bark. I run.
And I have the collar to prove it.

But training for triathlons is very exhausting.
Especially the barking.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011


This is my cousin Aloysius.
Being two months older, it is my responsibility to protect him...

Monday, February 14, 2011

February 14 - Heart Day

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone......and (drum roll please) Happy Birthday to ME!!

Mama says I was probably born in February. She said that because I am so loveable, I must have been born on Valentine's Day. So it's official - today I am one years old! To all my pups: Frankie, Reesie, Abraham, Ben, Lilly, Skippy.... I'M SEVEN!

I had a fabulous birthday. Mama took me to Petco and then I came home and just chilled with my bone.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Um...someone snowed in my "spot". If you have any idea who may have done this, please tell me.

Honestly, you have no idea how confusing this is.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Thomas the Cat

I got some bad news when Mom and Dad came home. They told me that my goodest friend, Thomas the Cat, passed away last week. Aunt Erika must be really sad. He had FIP, which is a bad virus cats sometimes get. Mom said there is no cure and that there was nothing that anyone could do. But mom also said that Thomas went peacefully and is happier now because he is up in the sky playing with a giant roll of toilet paper. Thomas loved toilet paper. Here are some of my favorite memories of Thomas.

This is Thomas.

This is Thomas wishing he was a dog like me.

This is Thomas looking sweet.
But do not be fooled.
Cats are not nearly as sweet as dogs.

RIP Thomas. I miss you.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Landed Myself in "Time Out"

Dear Mom and Dad,

You have been gone for two weeks now. At first I sat and waited for you. But waiting got boring. So I kicked back and took full advantage of my stay at Kathy’s. I have made so many friends and have played so much! Each day I get to take really long walks in a big field. I also get to play with Ben a lot. Ben and I play “Chase the Tessy” which is just so much fun. I also play with the twin puppies. We play “Three Puppies on a Stick”. It is SO cool. I’ll show you how it goes when you get back from Colombia.

Now I must admit, this letter sort of serves two purposes. Of course the first is to say hi and that I miss you. The second is that I have a few things that I must confess. I write to you from “time out”, where I have been told to “think about what I have done” and to “write your parents a letter and explain to them what I have learned”. So here it goes….(gulp).

The other day I was out running around the big field and I just so happened to spot this really neat hole. You know how much I love holes. Well, upon further sniffing, I discovered that this hole smelled really good. Now, let me preface this by saying, this was no ordinary good smell, like when I find a cool stick or a lost mitten on the ground. This was a REALLY good smell…like the kind another dog leaves behind for me to enjoy.

I know that you have told me to stay away from things that smell good but Mom and Dad….I just couldn’t. Please don’t be mad. It just took over me and next thing I knew I was on my back rolling around in it. And once I started rolling…I couldn’t stop! I knew I couldn’t let Kathy see me, but I was possessed. I kept rolling….and then I saw Kathy….running toward me yelling “Tess…..NOOOOOOOOO!”.

That was the first ‘no-no’.

The second "oops" is about my pink blanket. I REALLY appreciate you leaving this with me because it smells like home. I spend lots of time sniffing it when I am homesick. I miss you so much that I smell my blanket all the time…and well, the other day, I couldn’t help but wonder if it also tasted like home. I figured a little nibble wouldn’t hurt. I guess I didn’t realize that the next morning on my walk with Kathy that it would become fairly obvious that I had eaten the pink blanket. I promise to not eat it anymore.

That was the second ‘no-no’.

Lastly, there was the very, very, small issue of the terrific crate pad that you also left. I really like it and you know comfy it is for me to lay on. But I have to admit, it looked like chocolate sponge cake.....Again, I’m sorry.

Please don’t be mad at me. It’s just that when I begin missing you, I do some crazy things. I hope you will still think of me as your “perfect little Tessy”. In fact, I suggest we just pretend like none of this ever happened. It really is always better to just let these things go and move on (like the accident in Grandma’s guest room).

I promise when you come home in a few days to smother you with kisses and be a VERY good girl.

With lots of paw prints of love,


Thursday, January 6, 2011

Are Mom & Dad EVER Coming Home?

Why didn't I get to go to Colombia?
Kathy says they will be home next week.
So.....I think I'll just wait here then.