It just so happens that I absolutely LOVE socks!!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A Very Merry Christmas
It just so happens that I absolutely LOVE socks!!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sleep Please

Oh my goodness am I tired! Dog/cat sitting is not a job for the faint of heart.
This job required non-stop supervision of Ernie, Zing, Gus, and Sophie. I literally spent the last five days having to constantly guard my crate and bones, chase the cats, and most importantly, bark when they barked.
They have taken every last ounce of energy out of me...and now I must sleep.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Pet Sitting
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Emily Rose
This is me, playing with one of my friends. I call him Mr. Bug.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Rest of My Story

After several sleepless nights I decided that I needed answers. I spent all of Saturday digging through mom's old records.....and look at what I found! A picture of me and my brothers and sisters in the shelter before we were rescued!
I also learned that I was born in the Mason County Animal Shelter, a high-kill shelter in West Virginia - where each animal has a maximum of 3 weeks to either be adopted know. I try not to think about it but I do remember cold nights just wishing for someone to rescue us. After all, we were just innocent puppies wanting our chance to make a paw print in this world.
Fortunately, Furry Friends Network found out about us and contacted Kathy, who graciously said she would take me and my litter in even though we were sick with the parvovirus (a REAL hero). We arrived in Lancaster in mid-April with great relief. However, it was only a matter of days until we found ourselves in the hospital. We were all pretty sick, especially my brother Harvey. While I bounced back, my brother was not so lucky. On April 23, 2010, Harvey passed away :-( I miss Harvey. He was a really special dog, and a good brother.
But at least I have this picture to remember him by. I will never-EVER forget him!
Friday, November 12, 2010
My Story

(A big “awwwwww” from the audience.)
This is my baby picture. I am three-months old here and looking good if I do say so myself.
Kathy, my foster mom, a.k.a. Angel from Heaven, took this picture. You see, Kathy rescued me from a really bad situation. My family and I were in a high-kill shelter in West Virginia and our future was bleak. I was sick and not in the best condition (still cute though!). I’m telling you, my family and I saw some long, dark days.
Until one day, we found ourselves on a truck! Now THIS was exciting. I knew change was a comin’!
And it was. We landed in Lancaster, Pa at Kathy’s house. Kathy and her partner had just bought this really cool house that had lots of land for me to run around in. And the best part was that Kathy had 12 other dogs there for me to play with! I had hit the jackpot.
Over the next few months, Kathy nursed me back to health and I learned to do things like walk on a leash and sit on command. But mostly I played….and waiting to meet my family. It did not take long though. Furry Friends Network did an awesome job of getting my picture and story out there.
Before long, people were coming by BEGGING me to be their dog. I was polite to each family and listened to what they had to offer to me. But I was going to be picky because I knew that this was my chance to live with the perfect family. (Plus, I wasn’t ready to give up play time with my best dog, Brittney!).
But one hot summer day, it happened. I was chillin’ in my baby pool outside and up walked a young couple, just back from a long bike ride. As soon as I saw them, I knew that as it! They came, we played, we chatted for a while. I didn’t want to appear desperate, so I told them I had to think about it. My soon-to-be-mom & dad waited (not-so-patiently according to mom) for about two weeks before I sent mom an email and said “Guess what?? I’m comin’ home!”
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Welcome to my blog!
Hello. My name is Tess. I am an 8-month old chocolate Labrador Retriever and I just so happen to be one of the cutest, friendliest dogs you’ll ever meet. It’s true; just ask my Mom and Dad.
I have decided to start this blog as a way to pass the time while Mom and Dad are at work. You see, my parents think that when they leave me in the mornings, I just sit on the bed all day waiting for them to come home. But this is not true. I do many things. For example, I watch TV, look at the birds from the porch, and I sniff things. And now…..I write.
That’s right. I, Tess the chocolate lab, am breaking into the world of online blogging and I hope you will become a follower by clicking on “Follow” button on my home page.
If you do, I promise to provide you with lots of entertaining stories about my life, where I come from and where I am heading. I also plan to post many great pictures of my beautiful self. But most importantly, I hope to give you an honest account of life as a loveable dog – you will read the good, the bad, and the adorable.
At the end of the day, this blog is simply me…making my paw print in this world.